BAFTA Awards Search

  • Win Fire In The Night

    Michael McAvoy, Alan Clements, Anthony Wonke

    I Am Breathing

    Emma Davie, Sigrid Dyekjaer, Sonja Henrici, Morag McKinnon

    The Murder Trial

    Kate Barker, David Dugan, Ian Duncan, Nick Holt, Marina Parker

  • Win 7/7: One Day in London

    Ben Anthony, Sarah Hamilton, Rupert Houseman, Morgan Matthews

    Baka: A Cry from the Rainforest

    Phil Agland

    Lucian Freud: Painted Life

    Randall Wright, Denys Blakeway, Paul Binns, Patrick Duval

    Nina Conti – A Ventriloquist’s Story: Her Master’s Voice

    Nina Conti, Riaz Meer, Michael O’Kelly, Tim Jordan

  • Win The Holyrood Files