BAFTA Awards Search

  • Win Django Unchained

    Quentin Tarantino


    Michael Haneke

    The Master

    Paul Thomas Anderson

    Moonrise Kingdom

    Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola

    Zero Dark Thirty

    Mark Boal

  • Win Amélie

    Guillaume Laurant, Jean-Pierre Jeunet

    Gosford Park

    Julian Fellowes

    Moulin Rouge

    Baz Luhrmann, Craig Pearce

    The Others

    Alejandro Amen bar

    The Royal Tenenbaums

    Wes Anderson, Owen Wilson

  • Win Hannah And Her Sisters

    Woody Allen

    Crocodile Dundee

    Paul Hogan, Ken Shadie, John Cornell

    The Mission

    Robert Bolt

    Mona Lisa

    Neil Jordan, David Leland