BAFTA Awards Search

  • Win Django Unchained

    Quentin Tarantino


    Michael Haneke

    The Master

    Paul Thomas Anderson

    Moonrise Kingdom

    Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola

    Zero Dark Thirty

    Mark Boal

  • Win The Station Agent

    Tom McCarthy

    The Barbarian Invasions (Les Invasions Barbares)

    Denys Arcand

    Finding Nemo

    Andrew Stanton, Bob Peterson, David Reynolds

    Lost In Translation

    Sofia Coppola

    21 Grams

    Guillermo Arriaga

  • Win Hannah And Her Sisters

    Woody Allen

    Crocodile Dundee

    Paul Hogan, Ken Shadie, John Cornell

    The Mission

    Robert Bolt

    Mona Lisa

    Neil Jordan, David Leland