BAFTA Awards Search

  • Win FIFA 10

    Andrew Wilson, David Rutter, Gary Paterson

    Colin McRae: DiRT 2

    Matt Horsman, Clive Moody, Guy Pearce

    Football Manager 2010

    Development Team

    Forza Motorsport 3

    Development Team

    Wii Fit Plus

    Shigeru Miyamoto, Tadashi Sugiyama, Hiroshi Matsunaga

    Wii Sports Resort

    Katsuya Eguchi, Takayuki Shimamura, Yoshikazu Yamashita

  • FIFA Manager 10

    Gerald Köhler, Cord Westhoff, Bernhard Maiberg

    Football Manager 2010

    Development Team

  • Win World Athletics Championships

    Production Team

    F1 - The Brazilian Grand Prix

    Production Team

    FA Cup Final

    Simon Moore, Paul McNamara, John Watts

    UEFA Champions League Live

    Tony Pastor, John Watts, Paul McNamara

  • Win The Commonwealth Games

    Production Team

    ITV World Cup 2002

    Production Team

    World Cup: England V Argentina

    Production Team

    World Rally Championship

    Neil Duncanson, Dave Lewis

  • Win VE Day Coverage

    Peter Hylton Cleaver, Neil Eccles, Philip S Gilbert And Team

    Cheltenham Gold Cup

    Jane Garrod

    Super Sunday - The Final Day Of The Premiership

    Andy Melvin, Tony Mills

    VJ-50 Live: The Final Tribute

    Neil Eccles, Simon Betts, Philip S Gilbert