2018 Film Special Visual Effects

Film | Special Visual Effects in 2018


Blade Runner 2049

  • Richard R. Hoover
  • Paul Lambert
  • Gerd Nefzer
  • John Nelson


  • Blade Runner 2049

    • Richard R. Hoover
    • Paul Lambert
    • Gerd Nefzer
    • John Nelson
  • Dunkirk

    • Paul Corbould
    • Scott Fisher
    • Andrew Jackson
    • Andrew Lockley
  • The Shape of Water

    • Dennis Berardi
    • Trey Harrell
    • Mike Hill
    • Kevin Scott
  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    • Stephen Aplin
    • Chris Corbould
    • Ben Morris
    • Neal Scanlan
  • War for the Planet of the Apes

    • Daniel Barrett
    • Dan Lemmon
    • Joe Letteri
    • Joel Whist