BAFTA Awards Search

  • Win Avatar

    Joe Letteri, Stephen Rosenbaum, Richard Baneham, Andrew R Jones

    District 9

    Dan Kaufman, Peter Muyzers, Robert Habros, Matt Aitken

    Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince

    John Richardson, Tim Burke, Tim Alexander, Nicolas Aithadi

    The Hurt Locker

    Richard Stutsman

    Star Trek

    Roger Guyett, Russell Earl, Paul Kavanagh, Burt Dalton

  • Win Joe Letteri, Christian Rivers, Brian Van?t Hul, Richard Taylor

    King Kong

    Janek Sirrs, Dan Glass, Chris Corbould, Paul Franklin

    Batman Begins

    Nick Davis, Jon Thum, Chas Jarrett, Joss Williams

    Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

    Dean Wright, Bill Westenhofer, Jim Berney, Scott Farrar

    The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

    Jim Mitchell, John Richardson, Tim Webber, Tim Alexander

    Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

  • Win John Gaeta, Steve Courtley, Janek Sirrs, Jon Thum

    The Matrix

    Bill Reeves, Eben Ostby, Rick Sayre, Sharon Calahan

    A Bug's Life

    John Andrew Berton Jr, Daniel Jeanette, Ben Snow, Chris Corbould

    The Mummy

    Jimmy Mitchell, Kevin Yagher, Joss Williams, Paddy Eason

    Sleepy Hollow

    John Knoll, Dennis Muren, Scott Squires, Rob Coleman

    Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace