BAFTA Awards Search

  • Billy Elliot

    Brian Tufano


    Roger Pratt

    O Brother Where Art Thou?

    Roger Deakins

    Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Wo Hu Cang Long)

    Peter Pau

  • Dangerous Liaisons

    Philippe Rousselot

    Gorillas In The Mist

    John Seale

    Henry V

    Kenneth MacMillan

    The Bear (L' Ours)

    Philippe Rousselot

  • A Clockwork Orange

    John Alcott

    The Garden Of The Finzi-Continis (Il Giardino Dei Finzi-Contini)

    Ennio Guarnieri

    Mccabe And Mrs Miller/Images/Deliverance

    Vilmos Zsigmond