2013 Games BAFTA Ones To Watch Award in association with Dare to Be Digital

Games | BAFTA Ones To Watch Award in association with Dare to Be Digital in 2013



  • Kimi Sulopuisto
  • Vili Viitaniemi
  • Minttu Meriläinen
  • Petri Liuska
  • Andrew MacLean (Kind of a Big Deal)

Winner photos

  • Ian Livingstone presents the award

  • The winners at the Podium

  • The winners in the Press Room


  • Pixel Story

    • Martin Cosens
    • Thomas McParland
    • Ashley Hayes
    • Benjamin Rushton
    • Luke Harrison (Loan Wolf Games)
  • Project Thanatos

    • Hugh Laird
    • Andrew Coles
    • Thomas Laird
    • Alexandra Shapland
    • Thomas Kemp (Raptor Games)
  • Starcrossed

    • Kimi Sulopuisto
    • Vili Viitaniemi
    • Minttu Meriläinen
    • Petri Liuska
    • Andrew MacLean (Kind of a Big Deal)