Entry Information

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Select an option from the list to explore entry information.

To sign up to our mailing list to recieve awards updates on new rules, tickets or other relevant awards information, please email [email protected].

BFI Diversity Standards – Info and Resources

The BFI Diversity Standards are part of the eligibility criteria for several of our British awards, as part of our cross-industry drive to drive inclusion in the film, games and television industries. For details on which categories these apply to and how, see individual tabs.

In order to assist you in achieving the Standards, there are many fantastic resources produced by BAFTA partners such as Screenskills, CDN, The Film and Television Charity etc. You can search Screenskills’ Resource database for guidance on running mentoring schemes, tackling bullying and harassment, recruitment practices etc.  

New resources which BAFTA has been involved in or lead the development of include:

BAFTA Film Awards

Entry for the 2024 Awards is now closed
Please send any questions about rules or entry to [email protected]


- 2024 Rules and Guidelines (Feature categories)

2024 Campaigning Regulations 

- Key Dates

- Key Rule Changes

- BAFTA Music Tracker

- Music cue sheet template

- Casting statement template

- Headshot Photogrid template

Outstanding Debut qualifying festival list

- Q&A agreement

- Confidentiality agreement for studios and distributors requesting access to voter data

- Confidentiality agreement for mailing houses or publicists requesting access to voter data

- Distributor Security Form for studios, distributors, mailing houses or publicists requesting access to voter data

- 'How To Guide' to publish your film on BAFTA View 

- BAFTA View Security Overview


- Qualifying Festivals List

- Apply to be a BAFTA qualifying festival 

- 2024 Rules and Guidelines (shorts categories)


Read about the BFI Diversity Standards here

- BFI Diversity Standards form - for features and shorts

Details of the criteria and extended guidance and notes are available here. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] . Please note BFI funded films which have already been assessed against the standards do not need to resubmit an application.


BAFTA Games Awards

Entry for the 2025 Awards is now open

Entries can be made at entry.bafta.org

Stage one entry should be completed within 30 days of release. The final deadline for stage two entry is Thursday 7 November.

Please send any questions about rules or entry to [email protected]

Longlist announcement: Tuesday 10 December 2024

Nominations announcement: Thursday 4 March 2025

- 2025 Rules & Guidelines

- 2025 Key Rules & Process Changes

- Prevention of Bullying and Harassment Guidance

BAFTA Television Awards

Entry for the 2024 Awards is now closed

Please send any questions about rules or entry to [email protected]

Nominations announcement: Wednesday 20 March 2024

Ceremony date: Sunday 12 May 2024

- Rules & Guidelines 

Key updates 2024

- Guidance for TV programmes using BFI's Diversity Standards (data submitted as part of BAFTA's entry form, not through BFI)


BAFTA Television Craft Awards

Entry for the 2024 Awards is now closed

Please send any questions about rules or entry to [email protected]

Nominations announcement: Wednesday 20 March 2024

Ceremony date: Sunday 28 April 2024

- Rules & Guidelines

- BAFTA Music Tracker

- Music Cue Sheet template

Casting statement template

- Make Up & Hair Design statement template

BAFTA Cymru Awards

Entries for the 2024 BAFTA Cymru Awards are now closed

Please send any questions about rules or entry to [email protected]

Nominations date: Thursday 5 September 2024

Ceremony date: Sunday 20th October 2024

- Rules & Guidelines

- Guidance for TV programmes using BFI's Diversity Standards (data submitted as part of BAFTA's entry form, not through BFI) 

BAFTA Scotland Awards


Entry for the 2024 BAFTA Scotland Awards is closed

Nominations announcement: Wednesday 2 October

Ceremony date: Sunday 17 November

Please send any questions about rules or entry to [email protected]

- Rules & Guidelines
- Summary of Changes
- BFI Diversity Standards – Screen Scotland Pilot